About us

Hi, my name is Kay Hornung, I have been a registered childminder for many years. Working and caring for children is my passion and obsession. I have three children of my own who, are all grown up now with families of their own.

My husband Tom works alongside me to provide a safe and suitable environment for your children. He also does the cooking helping to provide food that is nutritious, wholesome using fresh ingredients.

Jolanta is a registered childminder

Jabeen is our assistant.

When required we have other assistants that work alongside us so we can make sure that your child is well supported.

We are an effective team, each knowing what is required for maintaining a smooth, efficient, happy, caring and welcoming environment.

Each and every child is unique and we treat all children in our care as individuals. 

Children learn skills throughout their lives that will give them the self-esteem and the confidence to be happy and fulfilled.

Its raining Wet but fun!